The Color Theory Experiment


This project, designed for a 4th grade science lesson, combines the color theory, the scientific method, and Jackson Pollack paintings into a very fun activity. With this activity, students are introduced to the scientific method and its importance, as well as reminding them of the color theory. After this, students performed three different experiments that involved the color theory. Students were told to get four pieces of construction paper, two pieces of black or white paper and two pieces of any color they choose. Three rubber bouncy balls and a shoe box were given to the students, and they were then instructed to perform three different color tests using paint; the paint combinations were red and blue, red and yellow, and three colors of their choice. As the tests went on, students filled out a scientific method worksheet to go along with their experiments to help further their understand of the scientific method. To complete the project, students were then asked to create their art gallery using pieces from their color theory experiments. This involved things like cutting different shapes or naming each picture to make it their own unique piece of art.

An extension activity for this project could involve having the students display their projects around the room and have students go on a gallery walk where they talk about their pieces. Students will talk about why they chose the art that they did and how the scientific method helped them determine a hypothesis and if the end result was what they expected. Every student will also provide a positive aspect about their art to the student.


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