Totem Pole Project
This project had us create our own personal totem pole using symbols that represent us. It was a lesson designed for a 4th grade classroom. When developing the totem pole, we were instructed to split the pole into three sections and use a combination of colors for each section. One section was supposed to have warm colors, one was supposed to have cool colors, and the last section involved using complementary colors. The top section of the totem pole involved things that I have an interest in, such as movies, music and video games; the complementary colors of red and green were used to make the objects stick out. The middle section showed my large interest in sports, and I used a series of warm colors like red, orange, and yellow for this section. Lastly, the bottom section had the word family and used cool colors like purple, blue, and green to make the section pop out. After completing each section, we were then instructed to glue the top and bottom section into a circle and cut the middle set to a certain point to complete the totem pole.
For an extension activity, I think the students could present their totem poles to the class and explain why they selected the colors and symbols that were placed onto their totem pole. It could make for a great presentation that could be used at the start of the school year for students to get to learn more about one another.
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